by friedaL2020 | Jun 29, 2022 | Finding direction and purpose, mental health, Motivation, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Stress & Anxiety
I’m not fat. But I’m not fit. Well, not in the way that I used to be. It’s that time of year again where a number of running photos pop up on Facebook, highlighting the various races I’ve run over the years. In 2015, I was training to summit the Matterhorn. In 2016,...
by friedaL2020 | May 26, 2022 | Finding direction and purpose, mental health, Self-care, Self-reflection, Stress & Anxiety
Have you ever felt lost? We’re not talking about driving to an area you don’t know without your sat-nav working. That’s a different kind of lost. Altogether. We’re talking about the “lost” that happens when you feel yourself losing your place in the world. The...
by friedaL2020 | Jan 26, 2022 | Finding direction and purpose, mental health, Self-care, Self-reflection, Stress & Anxiety, work-life balance
When was the last time you took (at least) a 2-week holiday? Was it as recently as this Christmas? Was it in the last year? Was it in the last 2, 3, 5 years? For those of you who have managed a 2-week break, let me ask you that question again, just with a...
by @dmin2019 | May 2, 2020 | Lawyer Life, mental health, Perfectionism, Self-care, Uncategorised, work-life balance
Work-Life Balance: Time Matters “We can make up for lost money, but we can’t make up for lost time.” – Simon Sinek Introduction: When did the phrase: “I just don’t have time” last slip out of your mouth? And what did you sacrifice as a result? Was it: a call...