by friedaL2020 | Nov 29, 2022 | Effective communication, Team building, Team communication, Work life, work-life balance, Working environment
WRITTEN BY ALICIA KOCH, FOUNDER OF THE LEGAL BELLETRIST When we think of harmony, most of us imagine a type of Utopia where everyone we meet and interact with is peaceful, agreeable and lives in perfect bliss with the people and the environment around them. It’s all...
by friedaL2020 | Aug 22, 2022 | Finding direction and purpose, Lessons Learned, Self-care, Self-reflection, work-life balance
The word “success” is subjective. Even if you wonder: “What does success mean to me?”, I can almost wager that your definition of success today, is quite different from what it was five years ago. Because life changes. And with it, so do our expectations. I take...
by @dmin2019 | May 2, 2020 | Lawyer Life, mental health, Perfectionism, Self-care, Uncategorised, work-life balance
Work-Life Balance: Time Matters “We can make up for lost money, but we can’t make up for lost time.” – Simon Sinek Introduction: When did the phrase: “I just don’t have time” last slip out of your mouth? And what did you sacrifice as a result? Was it: a call...