by friedaL2020 | Dec 17, 2021 | Celebrations & Festivities, Finding direction and purpose, Motivation, Self-care, Self-reflection
By Frieda Levycky of Braving Boundaries and Alicia Koch of The Legal Belletrist So, how are you holding up at the end of 2021? If you’re anything like us, the end of year can’t come soon enough. After two years of uncertainty – of changed plans, obscure regulations...
by friedaL2020 | Nov 24, 2021 | Comfort over coffee, Finding direction and purpose, Lessons Learned, mental health, Motivation, Self-care, Self-reflection, work-life balance
Life has been compared to many things. A book with chapters that close behind us as others open. A mountain: hard to climb, but worth the view. There’s even Forrest Gump and his well-known “life is like a box of chocolates” analogy. For me though, life is like a...