by friedaL2020 | Jan 15, 2024 | Change, Finding direction and purpose, Motivation, Self-awareness, Self-care
WRITTEN BY ALICIA KOCH, FOUNDER OF THE LEGAL BELLETRIST Boy oh boy the beginning of a new year can be tricky! With last year’s “new year, new me” slogan getting an overhaul into this year’s “new year, same me” motto, one is left with a confuzzled idea of how to...
by friedaL2020 | Nov 24, 2021 | Comfort over coffee, Finding direction and purpose, Lessons Learned, mental health, Motivation, Self-care, Self-reflection, work-life balance
Life has been compared to many things. A book with chapters that close behind us as others open. A mountain: hard to climb, but worth the view. There’s even Forrest Gump and his well-known “life is like a box of chocolates” analogy. For me though, life is like a...